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Transform Your Smile with Porcelain Veneer in Wall & Spring Lake NJ

Veneers adjustment

Restorations are making a huge impact on modern dental technology. Say goodbye to the days of crooked teeth, stains and discolorations, or living with a broken tooth for many years. Restorations like implants, crowns, or veneers act as a replacement for missing chipped or broken teeth. Dentists can use technology to their advantage, making it easier to pinpoint damage and stop dental problems from getting worse, requiring surgical extraction of the entire tooth. Dental cement-like composite or resin function as normal teeth due to their longevity and insolubility. Like porcelain veneers, these are just a few of the successful and long-lasting tooth-mimicking technologies available. While there are many restorative options available, it is not a one-size-fits-all ordeal. With proper examination from our reputable Monmouth County dental office in New Jersey, patients are well on their way to achieving a beautiful style that meets their active lifestyle.

How to Identify Tooth Damage

Most of the time, when a tooth has reached severe damage, there is a level of pain and discomfort that is oftentimes inescapable. This level of damage can affect sleep and impair an individual’s everyday life making it impossible to concentrate or function normally. According to research conducted by the FDI World Dental Federation, oral disease is the most prevalent condition globally affecting at least 3.9 billion people with untreated tooth decay. People that feel sensitivity from drinking hot or cold liquids may have untreated cavities or a periodic painful sensation that comes and goes now and then. Other examples of tooth decay include bad breath, brown spots on your teeth, holes in your teeth, or swollen red gums. If you are uncertain about your amount of tooth decay, schedule an appointment with our office in Monmouth County, NJ, our dentists and staff can confirm whether you possess irreversible tooth damage and go over viable solutions to choose from.

What Are Dental Veneers?

A dental veneer is a porcelain cap or shell that is layered over a broken or badly misshapen tooth. They bond to your teeth and offer a variety of sizes, forms, and shades to fit your mouth, giving a more natural appearance. Our Monmouth County office uses porcelain veneers to protect the tooth’s surface from damage, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing smile. If you have a broken, chipped, or noticeably discolored tooth, it may be difficult to consume food properly without pain or you may feel uncomfortable smiling in public, if any of these scenarios apply to you, porcelain veneers might be beneficial. For certain people, a chipped tooth, or a wide gap is not serious enough to warrant a dentist visit. Leaving a tooth untreated for a long period of time, actually may worsen the situation, causing the tooth to chip further, and reveal a hole for bacteria to have a field a day inside. Do not let a minor fix reach the point of infection without speaking to a dentist in Monmouth County, NJ

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

When patients visit our Comprehensive Dentistry office, the initial visit will consist of taking impressions of the teeth to create a custom porcelain veneer mold measured to the tooth to ensure it is an appropriate fit. The veneer is then adjusted and layered perfectly underneath the gum tissue before permanent adherence to the tooth. Your permanent veneer will act and look like your regular teeth. You may floss, brush, eat, and go about your everyday life with your new alluring grin. It takes a very knowledgeable and skilled dentist to fashion a flawless veneer that will increase your oral health. We offer a wide range of services besides porcelain veneers. Find out what other procedures may benefit you by contacting our Monmouth County, NJ practice.

How to Maintain Your Veneers

Maintenance and proper caution after a procedure is a major part of preventative care and prolonging the life of your new veneers. After a procedure, your teeth may feel a little sore. While veneers are very strong and durable there is a short recovery period where patients must watch what they eat and mainly consume soft foods for a few days. After this period, enjoy a life of happiness and beautiful teeth that you can be proud to show off.

Schedule an appointment

Porcelain veneers are a beneficial solution to anyone looking for a non-surgical procedure to cover up an aligned or broken tooth. This is an excellent option for individuals that want a natural look. At Comprehensive Dentistry in Monmouth County, NJ we take pride in caring for our patients and giving them the most practical solutions to an amazing smile and boosted confidence. Let us help you transform your smile by scheduling an appointment with one of our representatives. Book a visit today!

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