
What to Expect during Your Dental Implants Procedure

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The dental implants procedure, while fairly straightforward, is a serious surgical procedure that should only be performed by a skilled physician familiar with the technique. The positioning and angle of the implants are crucial to a successful procedure. Fortunately for patients of Comprehensive Dentistry in Wall, NJ, your dental implants can be placed on site. This not only makes the process more convenient for you, but also ensures that your treatment is held to our high standards. We understand the investment you are making in your oral health, so Dr. Anthony Mancino and our team are committed to providing you with exceptional dental implant care that can provide a long-lasting solution.

Accurate Procedure Planning

To achieve the best results from your procedure, thorough implant planning and precise placement are essential. Utilizing advanced technology such as digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, your doctor can get a much clearer view of the state of your oral health as well as where and how implants should be placed. By eliminating much of the guesswork that is often applied to implant placement, your surgeon can help minimize the risk of complications.

Patient Comfort

Prior to beginning your procedure, patients are typically provided with anesthesia to control discomfort and to help you relax. Patient safety is our priority. As such, a trained anesthesiologist will be brought in to properly administer anesthesia. It is important to note that patients should arrange a ride to and from their appointment as you will be unable to drive. 

The Surgical Process

To begin the procedure, the doctor will make a precise incision in the gums at the predetermined implant site to expose the bone. The implant posts will then be inserted deep into the jawbone to allow for an accurate, secure foundation. The incision is then sutured closed. Once the procedure is complete, patients will need to wait for the bone and implant to fully fuse to complete the rest of the process. This is known as osseointegration and generally takes anywhere from four to six months.

Dental Implant Surgery Recovery

As with any surgery, recovery after dental implant placement should be taken seriously. To help prevent complications, patients should precisely follow the post-surgery guidelines provided by Dr. Mancino. These generally include:


You should plan to rest the day of surgery to allow your body to relax and heal. Typically, patients can return to work after a day or two. You should also avoid strenuous activities such as exercising, bending, or lifting for approximately three to four days. While the amount of rest required depends on the extent of your surgical procedure, it is recommended that you always follow your doctor’s post-surgical instructions to prevent complications. 

We hold every aspect of your procedure to the highest standards and guide our patients through recovery.

Oral Hygiene

Patients can brush their teeth as soon as the night of the surgery; however, it is important to be as gentle as possible. A salt water rinse should be done several times per day. 

Addressing Pain & Swelling

To address swelling the day of your procedure, you may use cold packs or ice for intervals of approximately 20 minutes. Following this 24-hour period, it is recommended that patients utilize a hot compress. As it is an invasive procedure, patients may experience some mild pain, which can be managed with over-the-counter medication. 

Prioritizing Successful Procedures

At Comprehensive Dentistry, we want all of our patients to enjoy successful procedures that provide them with high-quality results. As such, we have implemented several methods to improve our implant surgeries and guide our patients through recovery. Contact us online or call us at (866) 619-9994 to schedule a consultation to learn more about the dental implant procedure.

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