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How to Tell When a Tooth Needs to Be Extracted

Like other health issues, the sooner you see a dentist for tooth pain, the better the outcome is likely. However, many people put off getting dental care when they need it. That can lead to more serious dental problems, including the need for extractions. While only a dentist can determine whether or not a tooth needs to be extracted, here are some warning signs you should know.

Pain is the number one sign you might need a tooth extraction. Many tooth issues are painful, and since the root extends into the jawbone, you may feel this pain deep down. However, severe pain in your gums or jaws can be a warning sign that you need an extraction. Pain is a sign that something is wrong, even if you do not. If you are experiencing any type of dental pain, you should make an appointment to see a dentist as soon as possible. The longer you delay, the more likely you will need significant work.

Are you experiencing bleeding or swelling in your mouth? If so, you could need a tooth extracted. Just like pain, bleeding, and swelling are never expected. You want to get a dentist to examine you as soon as possible to help determine the cause of the problem.

A sign many people do not know is bad breath. If you have unexplained bad breath, it could be due to a tooth infection. If brushing and flossing are not enough to remedy your bad breath, a visit to the dentist is in order.

Are you experiencing pain in your neck or unexplained headaches? Those can also be caused by infected teeth that need to be extracted. Deciding whether to start with a doctor or a dentist can be challenging when experiencing unknown head or neck pain. We suggest starting with a dentist. A dentist can examine your teeth and either rule in or eliminate your teeth as the cause of that pain.

Have you noticed that any of your teeth are loose? Your teeth should not be loose. Your jaw and gum tissue should hold the teeth firmly in your mouth. So, if your teeth feel loose, you should visit the dentist. It could signal the need for an extraction or another intervention to help you prevent gum and bone loss.

Finally, breaking a tooth can mean you need an extraction. Many broken teeth can be repaired. However, you may need an extraction if the break extends below the gum line or to the roots. Those teeth are difficult to repair, so many dentists will recommend extraction and replacement.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, call us at Comprehensive Dentistry. We can schedule a consultation and exam and help you get to the root of your problem.


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